the greatest thing you can do for yourself is GROW and connect. get inspired, get creative, learn about yourself and the world around you. the good vibes club was created as a space for women, by women to become a place to become the best version of you.

Meet Jess

A 30-something, self confessed busy gal living in the outskirts of London. Hobbies include: cosy self development evenings, running/walking in nature, watching the same series over and over, reading in the bath and re-arranging her home (for the millionth time this week).

After years of growing a community online through fashion and lifestyle posts, Jess saw a space for women to learn more about what it means to be a woman navigating life and a chance to share her knowledge, life experiences and everything in between.

The Good Vibes Club was created as a space for women to feel a little more normal. To connect, grow together and learn about everything female!